The UbiPharm Foundation is providing the community of Adétikopé, Togo, with a water fountain, the renovation of a school building and latrines. 01 | 01

Posted on February 16, 2024

The UbiPharm Foundation is providing the community of Adétikopé, Togo,
with a water fountain, the renovation of a school building and latrines.

Adétikopé, 16 February 2024

On Wednesday 31 January 2024, the UbiPharm Foundation once again demonstrated its commitment to improving the living conditions of people, particularly children, in Togo, 
At a ceremony held at the Sainte Marie de Wodénoukopé primary school and the Adoglové secondary school, the UbiPharm Foundation officially handed over to the educational community a number of items, including a newly installed mixed water fountain, a renovated school building and new latrines. The entire project was funded by the UbiPharm Foundation to the tune of just over 24,000,000 FCFA.
Several distinguished guests were present at the inauguration ceremony, and unveiled the plaques, including: the Director of Diocesan Education, the Director of Secondary Education, the Mayor of the Commune of Agoè Nyivé 6, traditional authorities, the President of the Togolese Order of Pharmacists, the Vice-President of the UbiPharm Foundation, and the President of the Board of Directors of UbiPharm Togo. They were joined by several pharmacists from the region and executives from UbiPharm Group companies. 

During the ceremony, Mrs Émilie DOVI-AKUE, explained: "The projects go beyond their immediate usefulness. They symbolise our belief that all children deserve a healthy, safe and stimulating learning environment. Access to drinking water and adequate sanitation is a fundamental right that allows children to focus on what is essential: their education, their development and their future."
In addition to the school building renovation project and the construction of the 6 latrines, since 2016 Fondation UbiPharm has inaugurated 15 fountains in ten prefectures of Togo, demonstrating its commitment to equitable access to drinking water.
Fondation UbiPharm is grateful to the authorities and teaching staff for their commitment to transforming places of learning into sanctuaries of knowledge and success.

Video of the donation ceremony here

About Fondation UbiPharm

Based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, the UbiPharm Foundation has been initiating a number of actions to benefit the most vulnerable populations since 2010. It embodies the UbiPharm group's commitment to society and its attachment to the values of sharing and solidarity. As a corporate citizen concerned with the health and well-being of people, the UbiPharm Foundation does everything it can to improve the living conditions of local residents. The UbiPharm Foundation is involved in a wide range of initiatives focusing on literacy, education, scientific research, access to drinking water and support for local hospitals.


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About the UbiPharm group

Present in 15 African countries and 4 French overseas departments and territories, UbiPharm promotes access to healthcare solutions. This supply chain expert has five core businesses: wholesaler-distributor, distributor, logistician, promoter and stockist. With an innovative model based on 3,800 pharmacist-customer-shareholders and a high-performance, responsible distribution system, UbiPharm is proud to support healthcare players by creating close relationships that benefit everyone.




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